11 products that are highly addictive

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Each person has individual eating habits. One can’t live without sweets, the others don’t imagine any day without coffee. However, it is worth remembering that everything is good in small quantities and if you start to notice that your habits harm your life, you should take decisive actions to eliminate them, so nevsedoma.com.ua writes.

11 products that are highly addictive

Burgers and hot dogs. These harmful products affect not only the figure, adding extra centimeters, but also have an effect on the metabolism and alter the taste preferences. It is worth remembering that you want these food not because of its taste, but because of the additives that are addictive.

11 products that are highly addictive

Potato chips. It is believed that a small quantity of chips doesn’t harm. Strange but true: people eat salty potato slices whether they are experiencing the feeling of hunger or not. This phenomenon the scientists call the hedonic hyperphagia (eating something for fun, not to saturate). Doctors believe that many manufacturers add to the chips the substances that stimulate the brain pleasure center.

11 products that are highly addictive

French fries. This product is highly addictive due to the fact that it contains acrylamide. But this product doesn’t give a feeling of satiety. It was found that 30-40 minutes after the consumption of deep-fried potatoes, a person usually wants to eat again.

11 products that are highly addictive

Sweet soda. The systematic use of fizzy drinks can not only be addictive, but also cause a detrimental effect on the metabolism. Doctors say that it is enough a monthly use of sweet drinks to change the metabolism to the worse.

11 products that are highly addictive

Coffee. If you can’t live a day without coffee because it improves your health, then you should reduce its use to a minimum. Scientists have proved that this drink is addictive, and its excessive use would not benefit your health. Experts recommend to replace it with green tea, that invigorates no worse than coffee.

11 products that are highly addictive

Smoked food. Many nutritionists refer sausages and ham to the category of questionable products. It isn’t possible to understand their composition. But the fact remains that the amount of natural meat there is negligible. The experts recommend to minimize or even eliminate these foods from your diet. Sausages and ham can trigger weight gain, lead to problems with the cardiovascular system and even cause dementia.

11 products that are highly addictive

Ice cream. Regular consumption of ice cream can not only add extra weight, but also turn you into a “cream addicted”. The thing is that it contains large amounts of sugar and saturated fat.

11 products that are highly addictive

Pizza. The experts have found that this salty and refined of carbohydrates food is worse than chocolate, potato chips, french fries and burgers. Thus, it causes severe addiction.

11 products that are highly addictive

Chocolate. Sweets are called a real drug. Many of us are used to eat chocolate in moments of sadness, stress, depression, nervous tension. And there are too much such moments in modern life. Chocolate, getting into the body, stimulates the production of endorphins, which are also called “the hormone of happiness”. This is how appear the reflex. In sad moments, you know on a subconscious level, what will lift your spirit. Although you forget that chocolate is not only uplifting, it is also deposited on the sides, it contributes to acne and other troubles.

11 products that are highly addictive

Cheese. Surprisingly, however, this product can also be addictive. The fact is that cheese contains casein, which some researchers have compared with morphine on effect on the human body.

11 products that are highly addictive

Cookies, sweet pastries. Most of us know the situation when you are going to eat just one small cookie, but eventually eat nearly half of the pack. And the matter is not in good appetite. The secret of sweet biscuits and pastries is in high fat and sugar level, like in the ice cream.
