Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

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It is difficult to find a person who did not hear about the shrines and sights of Israel. Nevertheless, this country is fraught with a lot of interesting things. We tried to collect for you the most interesting facts about Israel. Here are 30 of them.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 1. Israel is a relatively small state in the Middle East, which was officially established only in 1948.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 2. Due to various factors (primarily armed conflicts), Israel still has no official borders.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 3. Although Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, all state, political or business meetings are held in Tel Aviv.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 4. The majority of the citizens of Israel (approximately 75%) are Jews by nationality, but the country is considered to be multinational, because there are many ethnic groups. That is why in the passport of the Israeli in the column “Nationality” a dash is placed.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 5. Unlike most nations of the world, the Jewish nationality is determined not by the father, but by the mother. “A Jew is one who was born of a Jewish mother and did not change his religion…”

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 6. Every fourth inhabitant of this country is an emigrant of their former USSR. Therefore, in Israel, the largest percentage of “visitors” per capita.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 7. Israel does not have the Constitution. The role of the Constitution in this state is fulfilled by the so-called “Basic Laws”, which regulates all the basic laws.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 8. Israel has two official languages – Hebrew and Arabic, but in some cities no resident speaks Hebrew.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 9. The national symbol of Israel is the hoopoe bird, which symbolizes wisdom, nobility, veneration of the elders and love.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 10. There are less women in Israel than men, and therefore brides in this country, they say, in great demand.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 11. Israelis are allowed only religious marriages. For this reason, alliances between representatives of different religions are prohibited, but if the marriage is made in another country, then Israel recognizes it.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 12. Israelis strictly adhere to all the rules of Judaism. As believing people, they only use kosher products, which are bought exclusively in kosher stores.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 13. Despite the fact that the standard of living in Israel is one of the highest in the world, it is very expensive to live here. And all because in this country is very expensive housing, high prices for utilities and goods.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 14. Israel is among the top ten countries with the longest life expectancy – an average of 81.5 years. By the way, in the USA, Great Britain and Germany this indicator is lower.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 15. A large number of Israelis live in rented apartments, because not everyone can buy their own. Nevertheless, even the poorest citizens are not afraid to stay in the street, because they have no right to evict even in case of non-payment.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 16. Each apartment or house must have a specially equipped room to protect against chemical or bacteriological attacks. For this purpose in 1991 a special law was made.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 17. The Israeli Air Force is considered the fourth largest in the world after the US Air Force, Russia and China.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 18. Israel is a cosmic state. It is one of the nine states of the world that launch their own satellites into space.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 19. Israeli education is considered to be one of the best in the world. A quarter of the working Israelis have higher education, and one in eight is a graduate degree.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 20. It was in Israeli schools for the first time in the world computer science appeared as a subject!

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 21. The first anti-virus program was developed in 1998 by three computer scientists at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 22. Flash drive is an Israeli invention. The first commercial product was released in 2000 by M-Systems.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 23. Since the founding of the state, Israel has received more Nobel Prizes per capita than any other country in the world.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 24. Israeli medicine is considered one of the best in the world. It is in this country the highest percentage of cures for cancer.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 25. For all working Israelis, medical care, including the most expensive, is provided free, if necessary.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 26. In Israel there is a very expensive service industry – it’s easier to buy a new thing than to repair a broken one.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 27. One of the Israeli cemeteries has a grave of Harry Potter, a 17-year-old private army of Great Britain, who died in 1939 in a clash with insurgents. Not so long ago this place became very popular among tourists.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 28. The oldest cemetery in the world, which is used continuously by all generations living here, is located on the Mount of Olives near the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. This cemetery is about 2500 years old.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 29. Every year, about a thousand letters are sent to Jerusalem, which are addressed to God. These letters are sorted out by the department of the undelivered correspondence of the Israeli post, after which the rabbi puts them in the cracks of the Wailing Wall.

Promised Land: 30 Most Interesting Facts About Israel

Fact 30. Israel has two reservoirs – the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee (Tiberias Lake), which are located below sea level. Moreover, Tiberias Lake is the lowest freshwater reservoir on the planet.