The greatest cities in the history of mankind

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The greatest cities in the history of mankind

Rome, 100 B.C., 400 thousand inhabitants.

This city was founded in the 8th century B.C., and already to 2 century B.C., virtually controlled the entire Mediterranean region. The conquest of Caesar by Gaul in the 1st century B.C. led to the formation of the Roman Empire. The ruins of Ancient Rome are a world-famous landmark.

Probably everyone at least once heard of the Coliseum, which could hold up to 80 thousand spectators at the same time. As of the year 100 B.C. in Rome lived about 400 thousand inhabitants. 200 years later, in 100 AD, the population was a million people. It remained the most populated city in the world until the 4th century, when the Western Roman Empire was destroyed.