Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

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Do you want to lose weight, but whatever you do, it does not bring results? We try to understand why this is happening. Here are 10 myths about sports and nutrition, which prevent losing weight.

Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

Myth 1. To lose weight, you need to live in the gym. Many of us think that hard exercises will help to lose weight quickly. But scientists say that those who do excises more frequent but for shorter time burn 36% more calories than those who exhaust themselves with workouts.

Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

Myth 2: Breakfast is not required. Many of us think so, and continue to calculate eaten calories. But doctors of one of US hospitals say that if during the breakfast you use 50% of total calories per day, then the body will have more time for their processing. A rejection of the breakfast on the contrary leads to weight gain.

Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

Myth 3. Sauna burns fat. In the bath, the body is only output fluid, not fat. To fill its number you can immediately use ordinary water after the sauna.

Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

Myth 4. The need to eliminate sugar to lose weight. Scientists have proved that a small amount of sugar a day even useful for the organism. The experiment confirmed that the women who did the exercises and did not refuse to eat sugar, dropped more than those who have excluded it from the diet.

Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

Myth 5. Using laxatives you lose weight faster. Indeed, taking a laxative every day for a week before an important event, you can get rid of 1-2 kg and still get into a favorite dress. But if you do not stick to a diet while taking laxatives, obesity will only begin to progress.

Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

Myth 6. Do not eat after 6 pm. In fact, the calories do not care about time. When they say do not eat after 6 pm, it means you should not go to bed shortly after eating. If you go to bed at 12 o’clock at night, you can dine well even at 8.

Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

Myth 7. A slow metabolism should be blamed for the inability to lose weight. Plump people need more energy than others, because they need to carry on itself all the extra weight. Studies also say that the metabolism of fat and slim people is the same, matters only how much a person moves.

Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

Myth 8. Getting rid of toxins can help to lose weight. Scientists openly laugh at those who say that the cause of obesity lies in the accumulation of toxins in the body. They say that the body cleansing can lead to weight gain, and not to its loss.

Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

Myth 9. Losing weight will change life. In fact, weight loss does not relieve you from all the everyday problems. Think of weight loss as a long term and applies to all realistic. Getting rid of excess weight you will add health and attractiveness, but problems still need to be solved.

Lose weight properly: 10 most common myths about weight loss

Myth 10. My ideal weight is height minus 100 cm. This formula was invented somewhere 100 years ago and did not take into account the individual characteristics of a person. One person with a height of 160 cm and weighing 50 kilograms will look normal, and the other may remain on the verge of anorexia. Better count your ideal weight using the body mass index.
