Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

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Netherlands – this is an ambitious and developed country that makes the world stand still in awe. Why do all countries need to take it as an example, see below.

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Fact 1. The Netherlands is the only country in the world where there is absolutely no homeless animals. This was confirmed at the official level. The government achieved this, but did not cause any harm to abandoned animals. The fact that they are seriously punish the owners of abandoned animals, which, among other things, have their own rights.

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Fact 2. Infrastructure. Netherlands is the first country, where there are bike paths and highways with solar panels. This project is called SolaRoad, and it made jointly by the Government, universities and entrepreneurs. Solar energy that is generated by road surface goes to the street lighting and electric vehicle charging.

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Fact 3. Sustainable mobility. This is perhaps the most powerful Dutch side. In an attempt to completely abandon gasoline and other fuel they have established a plurality of electrical charging stations for cars.

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Fact 4. In the Netherlands there is a city where there are no cars. The town of Houten, among other things, has been recognized as the safest place in the world. In the early 1980s, it was decided to abandon cars in favor of bicycles.

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Fact 5. The ban on the use of fuel car slowly comes into force. In just 9 years it is planned to ban the country’s petrol and diesel cars.

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Fact 6. The Netherlands abolished the tax on personal vehicle that runs on alternative energy sources. All this is done within the framework of the plan to eliminate the use of cars in the diesel and gasoline engines. As a result of the reform of the cars became 15 million euros cheaper!

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Fact 7. No prisoners. The authorities of the Netherlands carefully work for a long time to eradicate crime. Incidentally, it is rather successful. Since 2009, 19 prisons were closed in the Netherlands due to lack of prison. The statistics speak for themselves: in the Netherlands only 163 criminals is registered for 100 thousand inhabitants.

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Fact 8. In the Netherlands special ekoducts have been created. These are bridges that protect wildlife. To let animals cross the road without getting under cars, a few special bridges were built that allow forest dwellers move safely.

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Fact 9. Information development. About 94% of Dutch people use the Internet – it’s the highest number in the world! Dutch science is developing rapidly: it was the Dutch who invented the CD and DVD-drives, WiFi, and Bluetooth. Today, the Netherlands is the absolute leader in the sphere of IT-technologies.

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Fact 10. For people. In Holland, in fact everything is done for a comfortable and easy life of the population. For example, the Netherlands won the first place on the roads branching, the second – on water quality, the number of Internet connections and the quality of food. But the last paragraph speaks for itself: for 17 million people living in the Netherlands, the average GDP per capita was 46,400 dollars!

Great achievements of a small country: 10 Facts about Holland

Such achievements of the Netherlands are possible because of the meticulous attention to detail the country’s education system, which is preparing world-class scientists.