10th place. Transrapid 06, Germany. The speed of this train is 412 km / h. It is a two-level maglev on a magnetic cushion. Transrapid 06 was created in 1988.
9th place. Aerotrain I80HV, France. Its speed is 430 km / h. A special feature of the train is a jet engine, which is mainly installed on airplanes. The developers of this “monster” ventured and decided to risk and equiped their cretion with it. The record speed of the train could be beaten for 15 years.
8th place. MLU002N, Japan. In 1994, the Japanese created a magnetoplane, which showed a record speed of 431 km / h on the test run. Engineers have created a high-speed carrier, which even at high speed can very quickly brake.
7th place. Shinkansen, Japan. The speed of the train is 442.5 km / h. This high-speed “monster” is considered to be the safest train in the world. For Shinkansen a separate branch with its own platforms was built. The Japanese are very pleased with the train, because it is comfortable and very quickly you can get to your destination.
6 place. Transrapid 07, Germany. The train speed is 450 km / h. The project was successfully launched and was planned as a passenger transportation between Hamburg and Berlin. But due to insufficient funding, it was forced to collapse.
5th place. CRH380A, China. Its speed is 486.1 km / h. The government of the People’s Republic of China for the 21st century finances the development of high-speed trains. CRH380A is also a successful project, which currently actively transports passengers on a given route.
4th place. Transrapid08, China. The speed of the train is 500 km / h. This magnetoplane works every day on its route 14 hours, carrying a large stream of passengers. Local residents are very pleased with this train.
3rd place. ML-500R, Japan. This train amazes with its speed (517 km / h). But the magnetoplane is only a test development. It was never used as a passenger transport. Thanks to this “probe” engineers have created other high-speed trains.
2nd place. TGVEst V150, France. The speed of the train is 574.8 km / h. This is the fastest train on the wheelbase. The designers approached the development in the most responsible way.
1 place, MLX 01, Japan. The speed of this train is 603 km / h. It was the Japanese who became leaders with their creation, the speed of which simply cannot be imagined by common person! The train moves not with a monorail, but between special magnets. The implementation of this approach is actually very costly.