Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

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Often the main villain in the film is a brighter and more impressive personality than a positive character. Villains have a vicious charm, they have difficult fates, so many sympathize them. But a bad guy is very hard to play well. Today we will tell about the most famous films villains.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Ivan Drago (“Rocky IV”). The fourth part of the action movie “Rocky” did not cause a hot response from fans. The director’s failure of Sylvester Stallone was partly due to the wrong choice of the negative character. It was a brutal, stupid sportsman who beat his opponent in the ring. The role of Ivan Drago was played by Dolph Lundgren.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Freddy Krueger (“The Nightmare on Elm Street”). Robert Inglund for this work was grimaced beyond recognition, because in the story he was a maniac with a face burned to the muscles and bones. An expressive image was complemented by a hat, a striped red-green sweater and a glove with knives on the right hand.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

T-1000 (Terminator 2). According to the idea of James Cameron, the director of the film, the opponent of the “good terminator” Arnold Schwarzenegger should differ from him as much as the tank differs from “Porsche”. Therefore, for the role of the T-1000 the inexpressive Robert Patrick was invited.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Lord Volan de Mort (Harry Potter). The main villain from the Harry Potter series is so terrible that many are even afraid to say his name aloud. The most colorful incarnation of the villain was played by Rafe Fiennes in the film adaptation of David Yates.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Frank Booth (“Blue Velvet”). Frank Booth is a psychopath and a terrible killer from the cult film of David Lynch. Several actors, after reading the script, gave up the role. They found the hero too repulsive. But Dennis Hopper found this work very interesting.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Joker (“Batman”, “The Dark Knight”). Joker is an anarchist and a maniac. This is one of those villains who can by popularity and charm compare with a good character. According to critics, Heath Ledger, who invested a lot of energy in the image of the Joker from the movie “The Dark Knight”, was able to “beat” both his predecessor, Jack Nicholson, and Batman himself.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Joffrey Baratheon, Ramsey Bolton (“The Game of Thrones”). The famous TV series “The Game of Thrones” has spawned a string of negative characters. One of them is Prince Joffrey Baratheon, who turned out to be a bastard. His role was played by Jack Gleason. Another scoundrel is Ramsey Bolton (Ivan Rehn).

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Bill (“Kill Bill”). Tarantino is famous for its negative characters are bright and bright. Bill, played by David Carradine, is not the case. He is reserved and charming. The unique laconic game of the actor emphasizes the ambiguity of his character.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Hannibal Lecter (“Silence of the Lambs”). Hannibal performed by Anthony Hopkins combines the features of a cruel psychopath and an outstanding intellectual. The author of the terrible book “Silence of the Lambs” Thomas Harris admitted that the villain has a real prototype. Director Jonathan Demme took Dr. Lecter only 16 minutes of screen time. But Hopkins still got an Oscar for this role.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Amon Get (Schindler’s List). Rafe Fiennes played one of the most creepy characters in Steven Spielberg’s motion picture. Amon Get is a historical hero who killed at least five hundred Jews. He sincerely believed that prisoners must themselves pay the cost of their destruction.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver). This film by Martin Scorsese has become a cult film. A taxi driver is not so much a villain as an unsettled sociopath who has been turned into a criminal by life’s failures.

Vivid roles: 13 best movie villains

Gordon Gekko (“Wall Street”). The hero, played by talented actor Michael Douglas, amazes and repels the audience with greed. Director Oliver Stone brought out such a believable character that he entered the list of the richest fictional heroes.